Problem 1
Example 16.1 (Section 16.1) showed that for sound waves in air with frequency 1000 Hz, a displacement amplitude of 1.2 \(\times\) 10\(^{-8}\) m produces a pressure amplitude of 3.0 \(\times\) 10\(^{-2}\) Pa. (a) What is the wavelength of these waves? (b) For 1000-Hz waves in air, what displacement amplitude would be needed for the pressure amplitude to be at the pain threshold, which is 30 Pa? (c) For what wavelength and frequency will waves with a displacement amplitude of 1.2 \(\times\) 10\(^{-8}\) m produce a pressure amplitude of 1.5 \(\times\) 10\(^{-3}\) Pa?
Problem 3
Consider a sound wave in air that has displacement amplitude 0.0200 mm. Calculate the pressure amplitude for frequencies of (a) 150 Hz; (b) 1500 Hz; (c) 15,000 Hz. In each case compare the result to the pain threshold, which is 30 Pa.
Problem 4
A loud factory machine produces sound having a displacement amplitude of 1.00 \(\mu\)m, but the frequency of this sound can be adjusted. In order to prevent ear damage to the workers, the maximum pressure amplitude of the sound waves is limited to 10.0 Pa. Under the conditions of this factory, the bulk modulus of air is 1.42 \(\times\) 10\(^5\) Pa. What is the highest-frequency sound to which this machine can be adjusted without exceeding the prescribed limit? Is this frequency audible to the workers?
Problem 5
(a) \(\textbf{Whale communication.}\) Blue whales apparently communicate with each other using sound of frequency 17 Hz, which can be heard nearly 1000 km away in the ocean. What is the wavelength of such a sound in seawater, where the speed of sound is 1531 m/s? (b) \(\textbf{Dolphin clicks.}\) One type of sound that dolphins emit is a sharp click of wavelength 1.5 cm in the ocean. What is the frequency of such clicks? (c) \(\textbf{Dog whistles.}\) One brand of dog whistles claims a frequency of 25 kHz for its product. What is the wavelength of this sound? (d) \(\textbf{Bats.}\) While bats emit a wide variety of sounds, one type emits pulses of sound having a frequency between 39 kHz and 78 kHz. What is the range of wavelengths of this sound? (e) \(\textbf{Sonograms.}\) Ultrasound is used to view the interior of the body, much as x rays are utilized. For sharp imagery, the wavelength of the sound should be around one-fourth (or less) the size of the objects to be viewed. Approximately what frequency of sound is needed to produce a clear image of a tumor that is 1.0 mm across if the speed of sound in the tissue is 1550 m/s?
Problem 6
In a liquid with density 1300 kg/m3, longitudinal waves with frequency 400 Hz are found to have wavelength 8.00 m. Calculate the bulk modulus of the liquid. (b) A metal bar with a length of 1.50 m has density 6400 kg/m3. Longitudinal sound waves take 3.90 \(\times\) 10\(^{-4}\) s to travel from one end of the bar to the other. What is Young's modulus for this metal?
Problem 9
An oscillator vibrating at 1250 Hz produces a sound wave that travels through an ideal gas at 325 m/s when the gas temperature is 22.0\(^\circ\)C. For a certain experiment, you need to have the same oscillator produce sound of wavelength 28.5 cm in this gas. What should the gas temperature be to achieve this wavelength?
Problem 12
What must be the stress \((F/A)\) in a stretched wire of a material whose Young's modulus is \(Y\) for the speed of longitudinal waves to equal 30 times the speed of transverse waves?
Problem 14
(a) By what factor must the sound intensity be increased to raise the sound intensity level by 13.0 dB? (b) Explain why you don't need to know the original sound intensity.
Problem 15
You are trying to overhear a juicy conversation, but from your distance of 15.0 m, it sounds like only an average whisper of 20.0 dB. How close should you move to the chatterboxes for the sound level to be 60.0 dB?
Problem 18
You live on a busy street, but as a music lover, you want to reduce the traffic noise. (a) If you install special soundreflecting windows that reduce the sound intensity level (in dB) by 30 dB, by what fraction have you lowered the sound intensity (in W\(/\)m\(^2\))? (b) If, instead, you reduce the intensity by half, what change (in dB) do you make in the sound intensity level?