In this exercise, you will use the GSS2012.sav database supplied with this
text to produce frequency distributions and bar charts or pie charts for three
variables. The steps are the same as in the "Using SPSS:
Frequency Distributions" section of this chapter, except that you will choose
your own variables.
\- Find and click the SPSS icon on your desktop.
\- Load the 2012 GSS (GSS2O12.sav) database supplied with this text.
\- Use Appendix G to select one nominal-level, one ordinal-level (other than
attend), and one interval-ratio-level variable. To determine level of
measurement, use "ONE STEP AT A TIME:
Determining the Level of Measurement of a Variable" from Chapter 1 and Table
\(1.5\). Make sure that you examine the way in which the scores of the variable
are actually stated.
\- From the menu bar across the top of the SPSS window, click Analyze,
Descriptive Statistics, and Frequencies.
\- Choose your three variables from the list and then click the arrow to move
each variable name -one at a time - to the box on the right.
\- Click OK and the frequency distributions will be sent to the "Output"
Study the tables carefully, including the Valid Percent column and, if
appropriate, the Cumulative Percent column. Write a sentence or two of
interpretation for each table.