Classical conditioning is a foundational concept in behavioral psychology that refers to the learning process by which a natural response to a certain stimulus becomes triggered by a new, previously neutral stimulus. This type of learning was first described by Ivan Pavlov in the late 19th century. Pavlov's famous experiments with dogs revealed that a neutral stimulus (like a bell) could become associated with an unconditioned stimulus (like food) that naturally produces an unconditioned response (like salivation). After repeated pairings, the neutral stimulus alone would elicit the response, now termed a conditioned response. Thus, the bell became a conditioned stimulus.
In simple terms, classical conditioning involves four elements:
- Unconditioned Stimulus (US): a stimulus that naturally triggers a response.
- Unconditioned Response (UR): the natural reaction to the unconditioned stimulus.
- Conditioned Stimulus (CS): an originally neutral stimulus that, after association with the US, triggers a conditioned response.
- Conditioned Response (CR): the learned response to the formerly neutral stimulus.