Chapter 2: Q59P (page 542)
A soprano and a bass are singing a duet. While the soprano sings an A-sharp at 932 Hz, the bass sings an A-sharp but three octaves lower. In this concert hall, the density of air is 1.20 kg/m3and its bulk modulus is. In order for their notes to have the same sound intensity level, what must be (a) the ratio of the pressure amplitude of the bass to that of the soprano and (b) the ratio of the displacement amplitude of the bass to that of the soprano? (c) What displacement amplitude (in m and in nm) does the soprano produce to sing her A-sharp at 72.0 dB?
Short Answer
A) The ratio of pressure amplitude of the bass to that of the soprano is 1.00.B) The ratio of displacement amplitude of the bass to the soprano is 8.00.C) The displacement amplitude produced by the soprano to sing A-sharp at 72.0 dB is 47.3 nm