Chapter 4: Q28E (page 1045)
An L-R-C series circuit is constructed using a 175Ωresistor, a 12.5mF capacitor, and an 8.00-mH inductor, all connected across an ac source having a variable frequency and a voltage amplitude of 25.0 V. (a) At what angular frequency will the impedance be smallest, and what is the impedance at this frequency? (b) At the angular frequency in part (a), what is the maximum current through the inductor? (c) At the angular frequency in part (a), find the potential difference across the ac source, the resistor, the capacitor, and the inductor at the instant that the current is equal to one half its greatest positive value. (d) In part (c), how are the potential differences across the resistor, inductor, and capacitor related to the potential difference across the ac source?
Short Answer
a)The angular frequency at which the impedance will be the smallest is .
b)The maximum current through the inductor is 143 mA.c.
c)The potential difference across the ac source is ++, the resistor is , the capacitor isrole="math" localid="1668252349319" and the inductor is .
d)The summation of potential differences equals the voltage amplitude.