through these two resistors is the same through every resistor and equals the current through the combination, and We could
calculate this current using Ohm's law
in the parallel is the same for every resistor and equals the potential difference across the combination as next
The combination voltage isthevoltagedropofthebatteryand as the internal resistance of the battery is zero,therefore the emf of the battery equals where We can get the combination voltage Vlz by Ohm's law in the next form
m we parallel IS me same nor every resuswr ano equals me pomenual omerence across me comomauon as The combination voltage V123 is the voltage drop of the
battery and as the internal resistance of the battery is zero,
therefore the emf of the battery equalswhere We can get the combination voltage V12 by Ohm's law in the
next form
Therefore the EMF of the battery is 18.00V
Now We can use the value of V to get the currentI where we can plug our values for V3 and R3 into Ohm's law to get I
The Current in 6 ohms resistor is 3A