Protons, neutrons, and many other particles are made of more fundamental
particles called \(quarks\) and \(antiquarks\) (the antimatter equivalent of
quarks). A quark and an antiquark can form a bound state with a variety of
different energy levels, each of which corresponds to a different particle
observed in the laboratory. As an example, the \(\psi\) particle is a low-energy
bound state of a so-called charm quark and its antiquark, with a rest energy
of 3097 MeV; the \(\psi\)(2S) particle is an excited state of this same quark-
antiquark combination, with a rest energy of 3686 MeV. A simplified
representation of the potential energy of interaction between a quark and an
antiquark is \(U(x) = A\mid x \mid\) , where \(A\) is a positive constant and \(x\)
represents the distance between the quark and the antiquark. You can use the
WKB approximation (see Challenge Problem 40.64) to determine the bound-state
energy levels for this potential-energy function. In the WKB approximation,
the energy levels are the solutions to the equation $$\int ^b _a \sqrt{2m[E -
U(x)]} dx = {nh \over 2} \space (n = 1, 2, 3, . . .)$$ Here \(E\) is the energy,
\(U(x)\) is the potential-energy function, and \(x\) = a and \(x\) = b are the
classical turning points (the points at which \(E\) is equal to the potential
energy, so the Newtonian kinetic energy would be zero). (a) Determine the
classical turning points for the potential \(U(x) = A \mid x \mid\) and for an
energy \(E\). (b) Carry out the above integral and show that the allowed energy
levels in the WKB approximation are given by $$E_n = {1 \over2m} ( {3mAh \over
4} ) ^{2/3} n^{2/3} \space (n = 1, 2, 3, . . .)$$ (\(Hint\): The integrand is
even, so the integral from \(-x\) to \(x\) is equal to twice the integral from 0
to \(x\).) (c) Does the difference in energy between successive levels increase,
decrease, or remain the same as \(n\) increases? How does this compare to the
behavior of the energy levels for the harmonic oscillator? For the particle in
a box? Can you suggest a simple rule that relates the difference in energy
between successive levels to the shape of the potential-energy function?