Problem 54
In the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, what is the de Broglie wavelength of the electron when it is in (a) the \(n\) = 1 level and (b) the \(n\) = 4 level? In both cases, compare the de Broglie wavelength to the circumference 2\(\pi{r_n}\) of the orbit.
Problem 55
A sample of hydrogen atoms is irradiated with light with wavelength 85.5 nm, and electrons are observed leaving the gas. (a) If each hydrogen atom were initially in its ground level, what would be the maximum kinetic energy in electron volts of these photoelectrons? (b) A few electrons are detected with energies as much as 10.2 eV greater than the maximum kinetic energy calculated in part (a). How can this be?
Problem 58
Light from an ideal spherical blackbody 15.0 cm in diameter is analyzed by using a diffraction grating that has 3850 lines/cm. When you shine this light through the grating, you observe that the peak-intensity wavelength forms a first-order bright fringe at \(\pm\)14.4\(^\circ\) from the central bright fringe. (a) What is the temperature of the blackbody? (b) How long will it take this sphere to radiate 12.0 MJ of energy at constant temperature?
Problem 59
What must be the temperature of an ideal blackbody so that photons of its radiated light having the peak-intensity wavelength can excite the electron in the Bohr-model hydrogen atom from the ground level to the \(n\) = 4 energy level?
Problem 63
(a) What is the energy of a photon that has wavelength 0.10 \(\mu\)m ? (b) Through approximately what potential difference must electrons be accelerated so that they will exhibit wave nature in passing through a pinhole 0.10 \(\mu\)m in diameter? What is the speed of these electrons? (c) If protons rather than electrons were used, through what potential difference would protons have to be accelerated so they would exhibit wave nature in passing through this pinhole? What would be the speed of these protons?
Problem 65
A beam of electrons is accelerated from rest and then passes through a pair of identical thin slits that are 1.25 nm apart. You observe that the first double-slit interference dark fringe occurs at \(\pm\)18.0\(^\circ\) from the original direction of the beam when viewed on a distant screen. (a) Are these electrons relativistic? How do you know? (b) Through what potential difference were the electrons accelerated?
Problem 66
Coherent light is passed through two narrow slits whose separation is 20.0 \(\mu\)m. The second-order bright fringe in the interference pattern is located at an angle of 0.0300 rad. If electrons are used instead of light, what must the kinetic energy (in electron volts) of the electrons be if they are to produce an interference pattern for which the second-order maximum is also at 0.0300 rad?
Problem 67
An electron beam and a photon beam pass through identical slits. On a distant screen, the first dark fringe occurs at the same angle for both of the beams. The electron speeds are much slower than that of light. (a) Express the energy of a photon in terms of the kinetic energy \(K\) of one of the electrons. (b) Which is greater, the energy of a photon or the kinetic energy of an electron?
Problem 68
What is the de Broglie wavelength of a red blood cell, with mass 1.00 \(\times\) 10\(^{-11}\) g, that is moving with a speed of 0.400 cm/s? Do we need to be concerned with the wave nature of the blood cells when we describe the flow of blood in the body?
Problem 69
High-speed electrons are used to probe the interior structure of the atomic nucleus. For such electrons the expression \(\lambda = h/p\) still holds, but we must use the relativistic expression for momentum, \(p = mv/\sqrt{1 - v^2/c^2}\). (a) Show that the speed of an electron that has de Broglie wavelength \(\lambda\) is $$v = \frac{c}{\sqrt1+(mc\lambda/h)^2} $$ (b) The quantity \(h/mc\) equals 2.426 \(\times\) 10\(^{-12}\) m. (As we saw in Section 38.3, this same quantity appears in Eq. (38.7), the expression for Compton scattering of photons by electrons.) If \(\lambda\) is small compared to \(h/mc\), the denominator in the expression found in part (a) is close to unity and the speed \(v\) is very close to c. In this case it is convenient to write \(v = (1 - \Delta)c\) and express the speed of the electron in terms of rather than v. Find an expression for \(\delta\) valid when \(\lambda \ll h mc\). [\(Hint:\) Use the binomial expansion (1 + \(z)^n = 1 + nz + [n(n - 1)z^2/2] + \cdots\) g, valid for the case 0 z 0 6 1.4 (c) How fast must an electron move for its de Broglie wavelength to be 1.00 \(\times\) 10\(^{-15}\) m, comparable to the size of a proton? Express your answer in the form \(v =(1 - \Delta)c\), and state the value of \(\Delta\)