During your mechanical engineering internship, you are given two uniform metal
bars \(A\) and \(B\), which are made from different metals, to determine their
thermal conductivities. Measuring the bars, you determine that both have
length 40.0 cm and uniform cross-sectional area 2.50 cm\(^2\). You place one end
of bar \(A\) in thermal contact with a very large vat of boiling water at
100.0\(^\circ\)C and the other end in thermal contact with an ice-water mixture
at 0.0\(^\circ\)C. To prevent heat loss along the bar's sides, you wrap
insulation around the bar. You weigh the amount of ice initially and find it
to be 300 g. After 45.0 min has elapsed, you weigh the ice again and find that
191 g of ice remains. The ice-water mixture is in an insulated container, so
the only heat entering or leaving it is the heat conducted by the metal bar.
You are confident that your data will allow you to calculate the thermal
conductivity \(k_A\) of bar \(A\). But this measurement was tedious-you don't want
to repeat it for bar \(B\). Instead, you glue the bars together end to end, with
adhesive that has very large thermal conductivity, to make a composite bar
80.0 m long. You place the free end of A in thermal contact with the boiling
water and the free end of \(B\) in thermal contact with the ice-water mixture.
As in the first measurement, the composite bar is thermally insulated. You go
to lunch; when you return, you notice that ice remains in the ice-water
mixture. Measuring the temperature at the junction of the two bars, you find
that it is 62.4\(^\circ\)C. After 10 minutes you repeat that measurement and get
the same temperature, with ice remaining in the ice-water mixture. From your
data, calculate the
thermal conductivities of bar \(A\) and of bar \(B\).