You have a summer intern position with a company that designs and builds nanomachines. An engineer with the company is designing a microscopic oscillator to help keep time, and youโve been assigned to help him analyze the design. He wants to place a negative charge at the center of a very small, positively charged metal ring. His claim is that the negative charge will undergo simple harmonic motion at a frequency determined by the amount of charge on the ring.
a. Consider a negative charge near the center of a positively charged ring centered on the . Show that there is a restoring force on the charge if it moves along the but stays close to the center of the ring. That is, show thereโs a force that tries to keep the charge at . b. Show that for small oscillations, with amplitude , a particle of mass with chargeundergoes simple harmonic motion with frequency ,are the radius and charge of the ring.
c. Evaluate the oscillation frequency for an electron at the center of a diameter ring charged to .