Problem 17
Consider two events that occur simultaneously at
Problem 19
A traveler in a rocket of proper length 2d sets up a coordinate system
Problem 20
Newton's first law can be stated: If an object is isolated (subject to no
forces), then it moves with constant velocity. We know that this is invariant
under the Galilean transformation. Prove that it is also invariant under the
Lorentz transformation. [Assume that it is true in an inertial frame
Problem 21
A rocket traveling at speed
Problem 22
A rocket is traveling at speed
Problem 23
As seen in frame
Problem 24
A robber's getaway vehicle, which can travel at an impressive 0.8c, is pursued
by a cop, whose vehicle can travel at a mere 0.4c. Realizing that he cannot
catch up with the robber, the cop tries to shoot him with bullets that travel
Problem 25
A rocket is traveling at speed
Problem 27
Problem 29
(a) Find the 3