In an absorption refrigerator, the energy driving the process is supplied not as work, but as heat from a gas flame. (Such refrigerators commonly use propane as fuel, and are used in locations where electricity is unavailable.* ) Let us define the following symbols, all taken to be positive by definition:
Qf= heat input from flame
Qc= heat extracted from inside refrigerator
Qr= waste heat expelled to room
Tf= temperature of flame
Tc= temperature inside refrigerator
Tr= room temperature
(a) Explain why the "coefficient of performance" (COP) for an absorption refrigerator should be defined as Qc / Qf.
(b) What relation among Qf, Qc, and Qr is implied by energy conservation alone? Will energy conservation permit the COP to be greater than 1 ?
(c) Use the second law of thermodynamics to derive an upper limit on the COP, in terms of the temperatures Tf, Tc, and Tr alone.