Data from a sample of \(n=150\) quail eggs were used to fit a multiple
regression model relating
y=\text { eggshell surface area }\left(\mathrm{mm}^{2}\right)
\(x_{1}=\) egg weight \((\mathrm{g})\)
\(x_{2}=e g g\) width \((\mathrm{mm})\)
x_{3}=\text { egg length }(\mathrm{mm})
(“Predicting Yolk Height, Yolk Width, Albumen Length, Eggshell Weight, Egg
Shape Index, Eggshell Thickness, Egg Surface Area of Japanese Quails Using
Various Egg Traits as Regressors," International Journal of Poultry Science
[2008]: 85-88). The resulting estimated regression function was
10.561+1.535 x_{1}-0.178 x_{2}-0.045 x_{3} \\
\text { and } R^{2}=.996
a. Carry out a model utility test to determine if this multiple regression
model is useful.
b. A simple linear regression model was also used to describe the relationship
between \(y\) and \(x_{1}\), resulting in the estimated regression function
\(6.254+1.387 x_{1}\). The \(P\) -value for the associated model utility test was
reported to be less than .01 , and \(r^{2}=.994 .\) Is the linear model useful?
c. Based on your answers to Parts (a) and (b), which of the two models would
you recommend for predicting eggshell surface area? Explain the rationale for
your choice.