Let \(R_{1}, R_{2}\) be independent binomial random variables with probabilities
\(\pi_{1}, \pi_{2}\) and denominators \(m_{1}, m_{2}\), and let \(P_{i}=R_{i} /
m_{i} .\) It is desired to test if \(\pi_{1}=\pi_{2}\).
Let \(\widehat{\pi}=\left(m_{1} P_{1}+m_{2} P_{2}\right)
/\left(m_{1}+m_{2}\right) .\) Show that when \(\pi_{1}=\pi_{2}\), the statistic
Z=\frac{P_{1}-P_{2}}{\sqrt{\widehat{\pi}(1-\hat{\pi})\left(1 / m_{1}+1 /
m_{2}\right)}} \stackrel{D}{\longrightarrow} N(0,1)
when \(m_{1}, m_{2} \rightarrow \infty\) in such a way that \(m_{1} / m_{2}
\rightarrow \xi\) for \(0<\xi<1\).
Now consider a \(2 \times 2\) table formed using two independent binomial
variables and having entries \(R_{i}, S_{i}\) where \(R_{i}+S_{i}=m_{i}, R_{i} /
m_{i}=P_{i}\), for \(i=1,2\). Show that if \(\pi_{1}=\pi_{2}\) and \(m_{1}, m_{2}
\rightarrow \infty\), then
X^{2}=\left(n_{1}+n_{2}\right)\left(R_{1} S_{2}-R_{2} S_{1}\right)^{2}
/\left\\{n_{1} n_{2}\left(R_{1}+R_{2}\right)\left(S_{1}+S_{2}\right)\right\\}
\stackrel{D}{\longrightarrow} \chi_{1}^{2}
Two batches of trees were planted in a park: 250 were obtained from nursery
\(A\) and 250 from nursery \(B\). Subsequently 41 and 64 trees from the two groups
die. Do trees from the two nurseries have the same survival probabilities? Are
the assumptions you make reasonable?