Problem 13
The ezplot command will also handle parametric equations. Try ezplot \(\left({ }^{\prime} \cos (t)^{\prime}, ' \sin (\mathrm{t})^{\prime},[0,2 * \mathrm{pi}]\right)\) to get a feel for how the command works. In Exercises \(11-14\), use the ezplot command to plot the parametric equations over the indicated time interval. \(x=e^{-t}(10 \cos (5 t)+20 \sin (5 t)), y(t)=10 e^{-t} \sin (5 t),[0,8 \pi]\)
Problem 14
The ezplot command will also handle parametric equations. Try ezplot \(\left({ }^{\prime} \cos (t)^{\prime}, ' \sin (\mathrm{t})^{\prime},[0,2 * \mathrm{pi}]\right)\) to get a feel for how the command works. In Exercises \(11-14\), use the ezplot command to plot the parametric equations over the indicated time interval. \(x=e^{t}(\cos (4 t)-\sin (4 t)), y(t)=2 e^{t} \sin (4 t),[0,8 \pi]\)
Problem 15
If the Symbolic Toolbox is installed in your MATLAB system, use the dsolve command to find the solution of the first order initial value problems in Exercises 15 - 18. Use the ezplot command to plot the solution over the indicated interval. y^{\prime}=-2 t y, y(0)=1,[-2,2]
Problem 16
If the Symbolic Toolbox is installed in your MATLAB system, use the dsolve command to find the solution of the first order initial value problems in Exercises 15 - 18. Use the ezplot command to plot the solution over the indicated interval. \(y^{\prime}+2 y=\cos (t), y(0)=1,[0,20]\)
Problem 19
In Exercises \(19-24\), find the solution to the given initial value problem. Write a script M-file to plot the solution over the indicated interval properly annotated with labels and a title. \(y^{\prime}+t y=y\) with \(y(1)=3\) over \([-2,4]\)
Problem 20
Find the solution to the given initial value problem. Write a script M-file to plot the solution over the indicated interval properly annotated with labels and a title. \(t y^{\prime}=2 y+t^{3} \cos (t)\) with \(y(\pi)=0\) over \([-2 \pi, 2 \pi]\)
Problem 21
Find the solution to the given initial value problem. Write a script M-file to plot the solution over the indicated interval properly annotated with labels and a title. \(y^{\prime}=y \sin (t)\) with \(y(0)=1\) over \([-2 \pi, 2 \pi]\)
Problem 22
Find the solution to the given initial value problem. Write a script M-file to plot the solution over the indicated interval properly annotated with labels and a title. \(y^{\prime}=t y^{3}\) with \(y(0)=-1\) over \([-3 / 4,3 / 4]\)
Problem 23
Find the solution to the given initial value problem. Write a script M-file to plot the solution over the indicated interval properly annotated with labels and a title. \(y^{\prime}+y \cos (t)=\cos (t)\) with \(y(\pi)=0\) over \([0,4 \pi]\)
Problem 24
Find the solution to the given initial value problem. Write a script M-file to plot the solution over the indicated interval properly annotated with labels and a title. \(y^{\prime}=y \cos (t)\) with \(y(0)=-1\) over \([0,6 \pi]\)