Chapter 7: Q10SE (page 395)
Question: If A is \(m \times n\), then the matrix \(G = {A^T}A\) is called the Gram matrix of A. In this case, the entries of G are the inner products of the columns of A. (See Exercises 9 and 10).
10. Show that if an \(n \times n\) matrix G is positive semidefinite and has rank r, then G is the Gram matrix of some \(r \times n\) matrix A. This is called a rank-revealing factorization of G. (Hint: Consider the spectral decomposition of G, and first write G as \(B{B^T}\) for an \(n \times r\) matrix B.)
Short Answer
It is proved that the G is the Gram matrix of some \(r \times n\) matrix A.