Chapter 2: Q2.5-24Q (page 93)
24. (QR Factorization) Suppose \[A = QR\], where Qand R are \[n \times n\], Ris invertible and upper triangular, and Q has the property that \[{Q^T}{\bf{Q}} = I\]. Show that for each b in \[{\mathbb{R}^n}\], the equation \[Ax = b\] has a unique solution. What computations with Q and R will produce the solution?
Short Answer
The matrices Q and R are both invertible, so A is invertible. Hence, \[Ax = b\] has a unique solution for each b in \[{\mathbb{R}^n}\]. Moreover, solutionxis obtained by the row reduction of \[\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}R&{{Q^T}b}\end{array}} \right]\].