7484 solutions
5th Edition · 483 pages
ISBN: 978-03219822384
David C. Lay, Steven R. Lay and Judi J. McDonald
8 Chapters (1829 Solutions)
“Linear Algebra and Its Applications Fifth Edition” includes extensive support for using technology in this course, as well as a modern elementary introduction to linear algebra and a wide range of intriguing applications. Students who have completed two semesters of college-level mathematics can access the material.
The fifth version was created with much input from current users. It follows the same general format as the first four editions in practically every chapter. The primary purpose of this text is to assist students in mastering the fundamental concepts and abilities they will need in their careers. The topics here are based on the recommendations of the Linear Algebra Curriculum Study Group, which were developed after a thorough examination of students’ actual needs and consensus among professionals from a variety of professions that use linear algebra.