An inverse function is a function that, essentially, reverses another function. If you have a function \( \Phi: A \rightarrow B \), its inverse function \( \Phi^{-1}: B \rightarrow A \) undoes what \( \Phi \) does.
Think of it like putting on and taking off a jacket. If putting on the jacket is \( \Phi \), then taking it off is \( \Phi^{-1} \). When you compose a function and its inverse, you should end up right back where you started:
- \( \Phi(\Phi^{-1}(b)) = b \) for all \( b \in B \)
- \( \Phi^{-1}(\Phi(a)) = a \) for all \( a \in A \)
This characteristic is what qualifies \( \Phi^{-1} \) as an inverse to \( \Phi \).
For a function to have an inverse, it must be both injective and surjective, which means it's essentially a bijection. This ensures that each output from the original function can be "undone" by the inverse, allowing us to uniquely identify every input.