Chapter 8: Problem 14
In this problem we cstablish that the local truncation crror for the improved
Euler formula is proportional to \(h^{3} .\) If we assume that the solution
\(\phi\) of the initial value problem \(y^{\prime}=f(t, y),\)
\(y\left(t_{0}\right)=y_{0}\) has derivatives that are continuous through the
third order \((f\) has continuous second partial derivatives), it follows that
h+\frac{\phi^{\prime \prime}\left(t_{n}\right)}{2 !} h^{2}+\frac{\phi^{\prime
\prime \prime}\left(\bar{t}_{n}\right)}{3 !} h^{3}
where \(t_{n}<\bar{t}_{n} \leq t_{n}+h .\) Assume that
(a) Show that for \(y_{n+1}\) as given by Eq. ( 5 )
\begin{aligned}=\frac{\phi^{\prime \prime}\left(t_{n}\right)
h-\left\\{f\left[t_{n}+h, y_{n}+h f\left(t_{n},
y_{n}\right)\right]-f\left(t_{n}, y_{n}\right)\right\\}}{2 !}
+\frac{\phi^{\prime \prime \prime}\left(\bar{I}_{n}\right) h^{3}}{3 !}
(b) Making use of the facts that \(\phi^{\prime \prime}(t)=f_{t}[t,
\phi(t)]+f_{y}[t, \phi(t)] \phi^{\prime}(t),\) and that the Taylor
approximation with a remainder for a function \(F(t, y)\) of two variables is
F(a+h, b+k)=F(a, b)+F_{t}(a, b) h+F_{y}(a, b) k
+\left.\frac{1}{2 !}\left(h^{2} F_{t t}+2 h k F_{t y}+k^{2} F_{y
y}\right)\right|_{x=\xi, y=\eta}
where \(\xi\) lies between \(a\) and \(a+h\) and \(\eta\) lies between \(b\) and \(b+k,\)
show that the first term on the right side of \(\mathrm{Eq}\). (i) is
proportional to \(h^{3}\) plus higher order terms. This is the desired result.
(c) Show that if \(f(t, y)\) is linear in \(t\) and \(y,\) then
\(e_{n+1}=\phi^{\prime \prime \prime}\left(\bar{t}_{n}\right) h^{3} / 6,\) where
Short Answer
Step by step solution
Key Concepts
These are the key concepts you need to understand to accurately answer the question.
Improved Euler Formula
After predicting a new value with Euler's step, it takes a second look - averaging the derivative at the beginning and at the end of the interval before taking the final step. This results in a much more accurate estimate of the function's value at the next point, thus reducing the local truncation error compared to the standard Euler method.
By accounting for the changes in the derivative over the step, you essentially capture some curvature of the function between the old and new time points, making the improved Euler a second-order method.
Taylor Series Expansion
The beauty of the Taylor series lies in its ability to approximate nonlinear functions using a series of polynomials, which are much easier to compute. In the context of solving differential equations, this expansion allows us to express a function value at a future time based on its current value and derivatives, which are linked to the function's behavior and rate of change.
For example, in the solution provided, the Taylor series is used to expand the solution \( \phi(t_{n}+h) \) of a differential equation around the current point \( t_{n} \). This provides an expression for the local truncation error, which is an estimation of the error introduced when we approximate the true solution with a numerical method like the improved Euler formula.
Differential Equations
When presented with a differential equation, the goal is often to find a function (or functions) that satisfy the equation, which represents the behavior of a physical system. These equations can be either ordinary differential equations (ODEs), which involve functions of a single variable and their derivatives, or partial differential equations (PDEs), involving functions of multiple variables and their partial derivatives.
The improved Euler formula is a technique specifically used for approximating solutions to ODEs. The local truncation error in such methods provides insight into how much error we are incurring in our approximation at each step of the numerical solution process. This error analysis is crucial for understanding the accuracy and stability of the numerical method being applied.