Chapter 2: Problem 20
Harvesting a Renewable Resource. Suppose that the population \(y\) of a certain
species of fish (for example, tuna or halibut) in a given area of the ocean is
described by the logistic equation
d y / d t=r(1-y / K) y .
While it is desirable to utilize this source of food, it is intuitively clear
that if too many fish are caught, then the fish population may be reduced
below a useful level, and possibly even driven to extinction. Problems 20 and
21 explore some of the questions involved in formulating a rational strategy
for managing the fishery.
At a given level of effort, it is reasonable to assume that the rate at which
fish are caught depends on the population \(y:\) The more fish there are, the
easier it is to catch them. Thus we assume that the rate at which fish are
caught is given by \(E y,\) where \(E\) is a positive constant, with units of \(1
/\) time, that measures the total effort made to harvest the given species of
fish. To include this effect, the logistic equation is replaced by
d y / d t=r(1-y / K) y-E y
This equation is known as the Schaefer model after the biologist, M. B.
Schaefer, who applied it to fish populations.
(a) Show that if \(E
Short Answer
Step by step solution
Key Concepts
These are the key concepts you need to understand to accurately answer the question.
Equilibrium Points
In the modified logistic equation \(\frac{dy}{dt} = r(1 - \frac{y}{K})y - Ey\), solving this for \(y\) by setting \(\frac{dy}{dt} = 0\) results in two potential solutions:
- \(y_1 = 0\): This point represents the extinction equilibrium where there are no fish left. It's important to recognize this as an unstable state because if the population approaches zero, any disturbance can halt recovery.
- \(y_2 = K(1 - \frac{E}{r})\): This is the positive equilibrium point, which exists only if \(E < r\). It implies a balance between natural growth and harvesting, making it asymptotically stable. This means that if the population is disturbed slightly around this point, it will return to this equilibrium over time.
Logistic Equation
- \(\frac{dy}{dt} = r(1 - \frac{y}{K})y - Ey\): The first term, \(r(1 - \frac{y}{K})y\), represents logistic growth where \(r\) is the intrinsic growth rate, \(K\) is the carrying capacity, and \(y\) is the population size. This term shows that the growth rate decreases as the population approaches the carrying capacity \(K\).
- The second term, \(Ey\), introduces the harvesting effect, where \(E\) is the effort applied to harvest the fish. This term shows a reduction in population directly proportional to fishing effort \(E\) and size of the population \(y\).
Sustainable Yield
\[Y = E \cdot K \left(1 - \frac{E}{r}\right)\]
This equation is known as the yield-effort curve and provides insights into how different levels of fishing effort affect the yield. Notably:
- At low levels of effort, yield increases almost linearly with effort because the fish population is large and can replenish quickly.
- As effort increases, the yield begins to decrease after reaching a maximum due to overfishing, reducing the population below its optimal level for most rapid growth.
- The task is to find the optimal \(E\) that maximizes \(Y\), leading to the maximum sustainable yield \(Y_m\). By taking the derivative of \(Y\) with respect to \(E\), setting it to zero, and solving, we find that \(Y_m\) not only maintains ecological balance but also maximizes the long-term harvest potential.