If an elastic string is free at one end, the boundary condition to be
satisfied there is that \(u_{x}=0 .\) Find the displactement \(u(x, t)\) in an
elastic string of length \(L\), fixed at \(x=0\) and freeat \(x=L,\) set th motion
with no initial velocity from the initiol position \(u(x, 0)=f(x)\) Where \(f\) is
a given function. withno intitial velocity from the initiolposition \(u(x,
Hint: Show that insiamental solutions for this problem, satisfying all
conditions except the nonomongent condition, are
u_{n}(x, t)=\sin \lambda_{n} x \cos \lambda_{n} a t
where \(\lambda_{n}=(2 n-1) \pi / 2 L, n=1,2, \ldots\) Compare this problem with
Problem 15 of Section \(10.6 ;\) pay particular attention to the extension of
the initial data out of the original interval \([0, L] .\)