Sollin's algorithm produces a minimum spanning tree from a connected weighted simple graph \({\bf{G = (V,E)}}\) by successively adding groups of edges. Suppose that the vertices in \({\bf{V}}\) are ordered. This produces an ordering of the edges where \({\bf{\{ }}{{\bf{u}}_{\bf{0}}}{\bf{,}}{{\bf{v}}_{\bf{0}}}{\bf{\} }}\) precedes \({\bf{\{ }}{{\bf{u}}_{\bf{1}}}{\bf{,}}{{\bf{v}}_{\bf{1}}}{\bf{\} }}\) if \({{\bf{u}}_{\bf{0}}}\) precedes \({{\bf{u}}_{\bf{1}}}\) or if \({{\bf{u}}_{\bf{0}}}{\bf{ = }}{{\bf{u}}_{\bf{1}}}\) and \({{\bf{v}}_{\bf{0}}}\) precedes \({{\bf{v}}_{\bf{1}}}\). The algorithm begins by simultaneously choosing the edge of least weight incident to each vertex. The first edge in the ordering is taken in the case of ties. This produces a graph with no simple circuits, that is, a forest of trees (Exercise \({\bf{24}}\) asks for a proof of this fact). Next, simultaneously choose for each tree in the forest the shortest edge between a vertex in this tree and a vertex in a different tree. Again the first edge in the ordering is chosen in the case of ties. (This produces a graph with no simple circuits containing fewer trees than were present before this step; see Exercise \({\bf{24}}\).) Continue the process of simultaneously adding edges connecting trees until \({\bf{n - 1}}\) edges have been chosen. At this stage a minimum spanning tree has been constructed.
Show that the addition of edges at each stage of Sollinโs algorithm produces a forest.