Chapter 11: Q21SE (page 805)
Suppose that T is an \({{\bf{S}}_{\bf{k}}}\)-tree with handle v. Show that T can be obtained from disjoint trees\({{\bf{T}}_{\bf{0}}}{\bf{,}}{{\bf{T}}_{\bf{1}}}{\bf{,}}...{\bf{,}}{{\bf{T}}_{{\bf{k - 1}}}}\) with roots\({{\bf{r}}_{\bf{0}}}{\bf{,}}{{\bf{r}}_{\bf{1}}}{\bf{,}}...{\bf{,}}{{\bf{r}}_{{\bf{k - 1}}}}\), respectively, where v is not in any of these trees, where \({{\bf{T}}_{\bf{i}}}\)is an \({{\bf{S}}_{\bf{i}}}\)-tree for \({\bf{i = 0,1,}}...{\bf{,k - }}1\), by connecting v to \({{\bf{r}}_{\bf{0}}}\) and \({{\bf{r}}_{\bf{i}}}\) to \({{\bf{r}}_{{\bf{i + 1}}}}\) for \({\bf{i = 0,1,}}...{\bf{,k - 2}}\).
Short Answer
Therefore, the given statement is true. That is, \({S_k}\) can be obtained from disjoint trees \({T_0},{T_1},...,{T_{k - 1}}\) with roots \({r_0},{r_1},...,{r_{k - 1}}\), respectively, where v is not in any of these trees, where \({T_i}\) is an \({s_i}\)-tree for \(i = 0,1,...,k - 1\), by connecting v to \({r_0}\) and \({r_i}\) to \({r_{i + 1}}\) for \(i = 0,1,...,k - 2\).