The bit string 010 represents the letter ‘a’ and the letter ‘a’ not a sequence of other letters e, t,s,n, i.
The bit string 11 represents the letter ‘e’ and the letter ‘e’ not a sequence of other letters a, t,s,n, i.
The bit string 011 represents the letter ‘t’ and the letter ‘t’ not a sequence of other letters a,e,s,n, i.
The bit string 1011 represents the letter ‘s’ and the letter ‘s’ not a sequence of other letters a,e, t,n, i.
The bit string 1001 represents the letter ‘n’ and the letter ‘n’ not contains other letters a,e, t,s,i in the sequence of bits in it.
The bit string 10101 represents the letter ‘i’ and the letter ‘i’ not contains other letters a,e,t,s,n in the sequence of bits in it.
Consequently, by the definition of prefix codes, the given code is a prefix code.