An element of a poset \((P, \le )\) is said to be a maximal element if there is no \(b \in P\) such that \(a < b\). Now we suppose \((P, \le )\) is a non empty finite poset. Let \({x_0} \in P\). where \({\rm{P}}\) is non empty. If \({x_0}\) is a maximal element, we are through, otherwise there exists some \({x_1} \in P\) such that \({x_0} < {x_1}\)If \({x_1}\) is a maximal element, we are through, otherwise there exists some \({x_2} \in P\). such that \({x_0} < {x_1} < {x_2}\).. Since \(P\) is finite, we cannot continue this process infinitely, it will be terminated after a finite stage, say
\({a_0} < {a_1} < {a_2} \ldots \ldots \ldots .{a_{n - 1}} < {a_n}\)
Then \({a_n}\) is a maximal element. Hence, a finite non empty poset has a maximal element.
Hence proved.