Let \(S\) be the set of all bit strings.
Also, \({R_3}\) and \({R_4}\) are the equivalence relation on set \(S\).
\(\begin{array}{l}{R_4} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{(x,y)\mid x = {\rm{ yor }}x{\rm{ and }}y{\rm{ arestrings withat least }}}\\{{\rm{ fourbits that agree in their first fourbits }}}\end{array}} \right\}\\{R_3} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{(x,y)\mid x = {\rm{ yor }}x{\rm{ and }}y{\rm{ are bit strings withat least }}}\\{{\rm{ three bitsthat agree in their first threebits }}}\end{array}} \right\}\end{array}\)
Let \({P_4}\) and \({P_3}\) are partitions of set \(S\) and correspond with the equivalence relation \({R_4}\) and \({R_3}\) respectively.
Assume that, \(x,y \in S,(x,y) \in {R_4}\).
Here, \(x = y\) or \(x\) and \(y\) are bit strings with at least four bit that agree in their first four bits.
\(x = y\)or\(x\) and \(y\) are bit strings with at least three bit that agree in their first three bits.
So, \((x,y) \in {R_3}\)
Thus, \({R_4} \subset {R_3}\).
Hence, \({P_4}\) is a refinement of \({P_3}\).
Hence, the required result is found.