Exercise \(8\):
In exercise \(8\) clearly \(4\) colors are required , since the vertices have degree \(4\) .
In fact \(4\) colors are sufficient . here is one proper \(4\) -coloring ( we denote edges in the obvious shorthand notation):colorfor ac,be,df;color \(2\) for ae,bd,and cf;color \(3\) for ab,cd and ef; and color \(4\)for ad,bf and ce.
Exercise \(9\) :
In exercise \(9\) the answer must be atleast \(3\) ; it is easy to construct a \(3\) -coloring of the edges by inspecting \(\{ a,b\} and\{ c,e\} \) have the same color,\(\{ a,d\} and\{ b,c\} \) have the same color, and \(\{ a,e\} and\{ c,e\} \) have the same color.
Exercise \(10\):
In exercise \(10\) the largest degree is \(6\) ( vertex I has degree \(6\) );therefore at least \(6\) are required.
By trial and error we come up with this coloring using \(6\) colors (we use the obvious shorthand notation for edges); there are many others , of course.
Assign color \(1\) to ag,cd,and hi;color \(2\) to ab,cf,dg,and ei;color \(3\) to bh,cg,di,ef;color\(4\) to ah,ci and de, color\(5\) to bi,ch and fg; and color\(6\) to ai, be and gh.
Exercise \(11\) :
Finally , in exercise \(11\) it is easy to construct an edge – coloring with \(4\) colors;again the edge chromatic number is maximum degree of a vertex.
Despite the appearances of these samples, it is not the case that the edge chromatic number of a graph is always equal to the maximum degree of the vertices in the graph .
The simplest example in which this is not true is \({K_3}\) .
Clearly its edge chromatic number is \(3\) (since all three edges are adjacent to each other ),but its maximum degree is \(2\) .
There is a theorem , however, stating that the edge chromatic number is always equal to either the maximum degree or one more than the maximum degree.