The equivalent of numbering all the seats around the table and considering how many ways we can assign\(r\)people to specific seat numbers is:\({\rm{n}}!/({\rm{n}} - {\rm{r}})!\).
Divide by a couple of factors: One is\(r\), because there are\(r\)positions at the table from which we can start listing any permutation, so permutations here which are equivalent.
The other divisor is\(2\), because there's another set of permutations which consist of the same seating in the opposite direction (clockwise vs. counterclockwise).
But this divisor only applies if\(r > 2\), because it takes at least\(3\)people seated around a table to create a situation in which direction makes a difference in the order.
So our formula is \(n!/((n - r!)2r)\)if \(r > 2\) and \(n!/((n - r)!r)\) if\(r \le 3\).