Five people among which are Smith, Jones and Marcus. Smith and Jones always vote opposite to Marcus. Let \({\bf{x}}\) and \({\bf{y}}\) be the votes of the two unnamed people and let \({\bf{z}}\) represents the vote of Marcus.
If \({\bf{x}}\) and \({\bf{y}}\) are the same vote as \({\bf{z}}\), then \(x,y,z\) will form the majority (as Smith and Jones vote the opposite) and this then corresponds with the minterm\({\bf{xyz}}\). If at least one of the unnamed people vote differently from \({\bf{z}}\), then this person will form the majority with Smith and Jones. \({\bf{z}}\) thus, has to be opposite to \({\bf{x}}\) or \({\bf{y}}\), which can be represented \({\bf{(x + y)\bar z}}x\) or \({\bf{y}}\), and not \({\bf{z}}\). Thus, the result of the majority voting is then \({\bf{xyz + (x + y)\bar z}}\).