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Page 203

Adapt the bubble sort algorithm so that it stops when no interchanges are required. Express this more efficient version of the algorithm in pseudo code?


Page 217

Explain what it means for a function to be Ω(1).


Page 231

Exercises 37 and 38 deal with the problem of scheduling the most talks possible given the start and end times of n talks.

Find the complexity of a brute-force algorithm for scheduling the talks by examining all possible subsets of the talks. [Hint: Use the fact that a set with n elements has 2nsubsets.]


Page 233

Exercise 37-40 deal with the problem of scheduling \(n\) jobs on a single processor. To complete job\(j\), the processor must run job\(j\) for time\({t_j}\) without interruption. Each job has a deadline\({d_j}\). If we start job\(j\) at time\({s_j}\), it will be completed at time\({e_j} = {s_j} + {t_j}\) . The lateness of the job measures how long it finishes after its deadline, that is, the lateness of job \(j\) is \(\max (0,{e_j} - {d_j})\). We wish to devise a greedy algorithm that minimizes the maximum lateness of a job among the \(n\)jobs.

37. Suppose we have five jobs with specified required times and deadlines\({t_1} = 25,{d_1} = 50;{t_2} = 15,{d_2} = 60;{t_3} = 20,{d_3} = 60;{t_4} = 5,{d_4} = 55;{t_5} = 10,{d_5} = 75\)\(\). Find the maximum lateness of any job when the jobs are scheduled in this order (and they start at time 0): Job 3, Job 1, Job 4, Job 2,Job 5. Answer the same question for the schedule Job 5, Job 4, Job 3, Job 1, Job2.


Page 231

Exercises 37and38deal with the problem of scheduling the most talks possible given the start and end times of n talks.

Find the complexity of the greedy algorithm for scheduling the most talks by adding at each step the talk with the earliest end time compatible with those already scheduled (Algorithm 7in Section 3.1). Assume that the talks are not already sorted by earliest end time and assume that the worst-case time complexity of sorting is O(nlogn).


Page 217

Give a Big-O estimate of the product of first n odd positive integers.


Page 203

Use the insertion sort to sort the list in Exercise 34, showing the list obtained at each step.


Page 233

Exercise 37-40 deal with the problem of scheduling n jobs on a single processor. To complete job j, the processor must run job j for time without interruption. Each job has a deadline dj. If we start job at time , it will be completed at time ej=sj+tj. The lateness of the job measures how long it finishes after its deadline, that is, the lateness of job j is max0,ej-dj. We wish to devise a greedy algorithm that minimizes the maximum lateness of a job among the jobs.

38. The slackness of a job requiring time and with deadline d is d - t , the difference between its deadline and the time it requires. Find an example that shows that scheduling jobs by increasing slackness does not always yield a schedule with the smallest possible maximum lateness.


Page 217

Show that if f and g are real-valued function such that f(x) is O (g(x)), then for every positive integer n, fn(x ) is O (gn(x)). [Note that fn(x )= f(x)n] .


Page 231

Describe how the number of comparisons used in the worst case changes when these algorithms are used to search for an element of a list when the size of the list doubles from n to 2n, where n is a positive integer.

  1. linear search
  2. binary search.

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