Numerical methods offer strategies to approximate solutions to mathematical problems that might not have straightforward exact answers. When it comes to solving differential equations, numerical methods can help us estimate the function instead of deriving it exactly. These methods break down the problem into smaller pieces, which can be solved with simple arithmetic.
Euler's Method is one of the basic numerical techniques to solve initial value problems of ordinary differential equations. Here’s how it works:
- Begin at a known initial value.
- Proceed in small steps along the line, updating your estimate of the solution by adding a small increment based on the function's slope.
As noted in the exercise, you use an iterative formula for Euler's Method: \( y_{i+1} = y_i + hf(x_i, y_i) \). Here \( f(x, y) \) is \( \cos x + \sin y \), and \( h \) is the step size.
Despite its simplicity, Euler's Method is a powerful tool. It provides a sequence of estimates, which can give insights into the solution's behavior over the interval of interest.