The simplification of an equation involves combining like terms and reducing the equation to its most basic form. Once you have cleared the fractions using the LCD, the equation becomes more straightforward. For example, the original fraction-based equation \(\frac{3}{2}+\frac{1}{x}=2\) turned into a linear equation \(3x+2=4x\) after multiplying by the LCD of 2x.
Steps to Simplify
- Combine like terms: Gather all the x terms on one side and the constant terms on the other, aiming to isolate the variable.
- Reduce the coefficients: If there are coefficients in front of the variable, divide the entire equation by the coefficient to solve for the variable.
- Finalize the solution: Once the variable is isolated and the equation is simplified, you will have a clear answer.
Following these steps leads to the equation's simplification, making it possible to understand and find the value of the unknown variable.