Second differences are a helpful tool for identifying quadratic relationships in sequences of numbers. First, let's delve into what these mean. In any numerical sequence, we might begin by calculating the first difference: subtract each term from the next one. For instance, in our exercise, the sequence of tile numbers starts as 1, 5, 11, 19. Calculating their differences gives us 4, 6, and 8. If we find the difference between these first differences and call this the "second difference," they help us diagnose the nature of the relationship. For this data, the second differences are consistent at 2, calculated by subtracting 4 from 6 and 6 from 8. A constant second difference shows us that the sequence forms a quadratic pattern. If these differ consistently, the pattern is linear.
- First difference: Differences between successive terms.
- Second difference: Differences between successive first differences.
- Constant second difference indicates a quadratic relationship.