Position functions \(\vec{r}_{1}(t)\) and \(\vec{r}_{2}(s)\) for two objects are
given that follow the same path on the respective intervals.
(a) Show that the positions are the same at the indicated \(t_{0}\) and \(s_{0}\)
values; i.e., show
\(\vec{r}_{1}\left(t_{0}\right)=\vec{r}_{2}\left(s_{0}\right) .\)
(b) Find the velocity, speed and acceleration of the two objects at \(t_{0}\)
and \(s_{0},\) respectively.
\vec{r}_{1}(t)=\left\langle t, t^{2}\right\rangle \text { on }[0,1] ; t_{0}=1
\vec{r}_{2}(s)=\left\langle s^{2}, s^{4}\right\rangle \text { on }[0,1] ;