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Problem 5

Infants younger than six months who have normal hearing can readily distinguish between acoustically similar sounds that are used as part of any language not only those used in the language spoken by the people who raise them. Young adults can readily distinguish between such sounds only in languages that they regularly use. It is known that the physiological capacity to hear begins to deteriorate after infancy. So the observed difference in the abilities of infants and young adults to distinguish between acoustically similar speech sounds must be the result of the physiological deterioration of hearing. The reasoning in the argument is flawed because the argument (A) sets an arbitrary cutoff point of six months for the age below which infants are able to distinguish acoustically similar speech sounds (B) does not explain the procedures used to measure the abilities of two very different populations (C) ignores the fact that certain types of speech sounds occur in almost all languages (D) assumes that what is true of a group of people taken collectively is also true of any individual within that group (E) takes a factor that might contribute to an explanation of the observed difference as a sufficient explanation for that difference

Problem 6

The economies of some industrialized countries face the prospect of large labor shortages in the decades ahead. Meanwhile, these countries will have a vast number of experienced and productive older workers who, as things stand, will be driven from the work force upon reaching the age of sixty-five by the widespread practice of requiring workers to retire at that age. Therefore, if the discriminatory practice of mandatory retirement at age sixty-five were eliminated, the labor shortages facing these economies would be averted. The argument assumes that (A) older workers have acquired skills that are extremely valuable and that their younger colleagues lack (B) workers in industrialized countries are often unprepared to face the economic consequences of enforced idleness (C) a large number of workers in some industrialized countries would continue working beyond the age of sixty-five if workers in those countries were allowed to do so (D) mandatory retirement at age sixty-five was first instituted when life expectancy was considerably lower than it is today (E) a substantial proportion of the population of officially retired workers is actually engaged in gainful employment

Problem 6

In the summer of 1936 a polling service telephoned 10,000 United States voters and asked how they planned to vote in the coming presidential election. The survey sample included a variety of respondents - rural and urban, male and female, from every state. The poll predicted that Alfred Landon would soundly defeat Franklin Roosevelt. Nevertheless, Roosevelt won in a landslide. Which one of the following, if true, best explains why the poll's prediction was inaccurate? (A) The interviewers did not reveal their own political affiliation to the respondents. (B) Only people who would be qualified to vote by election time were interviewed, so the survey sample was not representative of the overall United States population. (C) The survey sample was representative only of people who could afford telephones at a time when phone ownership was less common than it is today. (D) No effort was made to determine the respondents' political affiliations. (E) Because the poll asked only for respondents' candidate preference, it collected no information concerning their reasons for favoring Landon or Roosevelt.

Problem 7

Waste management companies, which collect waste for disposal in landfills and incineration plants, report that disposable plastics make up an ever- increasing percentage of the waste they handle. It is clear that attempts to decrease the amount of plastic that people throw away in the garbage are failing. Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? (A) Because plastics create harmful pollutants when burned, an increasing percentage of the plastics handled by waste management companies are being disposed of in landfills. (B) Although many plastics are recyclable, most of the plastics disposed of by waste management companies are not. (C) People are more likely to save and reuse plastic containers than containers made of heavier materials like glass or metal. (D) An increasing proportion of the paper, glass, and metal cans that waste management companies used to handle is now being recycled. (E) While the percentage of products using plastic packaging is increasing, the total amount of plastic being manufactured has remained unchanged.

Problem 7

The incidence in Japan of most types of cancer is remarkably low compared to that in North America, especially considering that Japan has a modern life- style, industrial pollution included. The cancer rates, however, for Japanese people who immigrate to North America and adopt the diet of North Americans approximate the higher cancer rates prevalent in North America. If the statements above are true, they provide the most support for which one of the following? (A) The greater the level of industrial pollution in a country, the higher that country's cancer rate will tend to be. (B) The stress of life in North America is greater than that of life in Japan and predisposes to cancer. (C) The staple foods of the Japanese diet contain elements that cure cancer. (D) The relatively low rate of cancer among people in Japan does not result from a high frequency of a protective genetic trait among Japanese people. (E) The higher cancer rates of Japanese immigrants to North America are caused by fats in the North American diet.

Problem 8

Most of the ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's atmosphere from the Sun is absorbed by the layer of stratospheric ozone and never reaches the Earth's surface. Between 1969 and 1986 , the layer of stratospheric ozone over North America thinned, decreasing by about 3 percent. Yet, the average level of ultraviolet radiation measured at research stations across North America decreased over the same period. Which one of the following, if true, best reconciles the apparently discrepant facts described above? (A) Ultraviolet radiation increases the risk of skin cancer and cataracts; the incidence of skin cancer and cataracts increased substantially between 1969 and 1986. (B) Between 1969 and 1986, the layer of stratospheric ozone over Brazil thinned, and the average level of ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's surface in Brazil increased. (C) Manufactured chlorine chemicals thin the layer of stratospheric ozone. (D) Ozone pollution, which absorbs ultraviolet radiation, increased dramatically between 1969 and 1986. (E) Thinning of the layer of stratospheric ozone varies from one part of the world to another and from year to year.

Problem 8

A translation invariably reflects the writing style of the translator. Sometimes when a long document needs to be translated quickly, several translators are put to work on the job, each assigned to translate part of the document. In these cases, the result is usually a translation marked by different and often incompatible writing styles. Certain computer programs for language translation that work without the intervention of human translators can finish the job faster than human translators and produce a stylistically uniform translation with an 80 percent accuracy rate. Therefore, when a long document needs to be translated quickly, it is better to use a computer translation program than human translators. Which one of the following issues would be LEAST important to resolve in evaluating the argument? (A) whether the problem of stylistic variety in human translation could be solved by giving stylistic guidelines to human translators (B) whether numerical comparisons of the accuracy of translations can reasonably be made (C) whether computer translation programs, like human translators, each have their own distinct writing style (D) whether the computer translation contains errors of grammar and usage that drastically alter the meaning of the text (E) how the accuracy rate of computer translation programs compares with that of human translators in relation to the users' needs

Problem 11

Recently discovered fossil evidence casts doubt on the evolutionary theory that dinosaurs are more closely related to reptiles than to other classes of animals. Fossils show that some dinosaurs had hollow bones a feature found today only in warm-blooded creatures, such as birds, that have a high metabolic rate. Dinosaurs had well-developed senses of sight and hearing, which is not true of present-day cold-blooded creatures like reptiles. The highly arched mouth roof of some dinosaurs would have permitted them to breathe while eating, as fast-breathing animals, such as birds, need to do. Today, all fast-breathing animals are warm-blooded. Finally, fossils reveal that many dinosaurs had a pattern of growth typical of warmblooded animals. The argument in the passage proceeds by (A) attempting to justify one position by demonstrating that an opposing position is based on erroneous information (B) establishing a general principle that it then uses to draw a conclusion about a particular case (C) dismissing a claim made about the present on the basis of historical evidence (D) assuming that if all members of a category have a certain property then all things with that property belong to the category (E) presenting evidence that a past phenomenon is more similar to one rather than the other of two present-day phenomena

Problem 12

Purebred dogs are prone to genetically determined abnormalities. Although such abnormalities often can be corrected by surgery, the cost can reach several thousand dollars. Since nonpurebred dogs rarely suffer from genetically determined abnormalities, potential dog owners who want to reduce the risk of incurring costly medical bills for their pets would be well advised to choose nonpurebred dogs. Which one of the following if true, most seriously weakens the argument? (A) Most genetically determined abnormalities in dogs do not seriously affect a dog's general well-being. (B) All dogs, whether purebred or nonpurebred, are subject to the same common nongenetically determined diseases. (C) Purebred dogs tend to have shorter natural life spans than do nonpurebred dogs. (D) The purchase price of nonpurebred dogs tends to be lower than the purchase price of purebred dogs. (E) A dog that does not have genetically determined abnormalities may nevertheless have offspring with such abnormalities.

Problem 13

Criticism that the press panders to public sentiment neglects to consider that the press is a profit-making institution. Like other private enterprises, it has to make money to survive. If the press were not profit-making, who would support it? The only alternative is subsidy and, with it, outside control. It is easy to get subsidies for propaganda, but no one will subsidize honest journalism. It can be properly inferred from the passage that if the press is (A) not subsidized, it is in no danger of outside control (B) not subsidized, it will not produce propaganda (C) not to be subsidized, it cannot be a profit-making institution (D) to produce honest journalism, it must be a profit-making institution (E) to make a profit, it must produce honest journalism Questions 14-15 Lucien: Public-housing advocates claim that the many homeless people in this city are proof that there is insufficient housing available to them and therefore that more low-income apartments are needed. But that conclusion is absurd. Many apartments in my own building remain unrented and my professional colleagues report similar vacancies where they live. Since apartments clearly are available, homelessness is not a housing problem. Homelessness can, therefore, only be caused by people's inability or unwillingness to work to pay the rent. Maria: On the contrary, all recent studies show that a significant percentage of this city's homeless people hold regular jobs. These are people who lack neither will nor ability.

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