Problem 5
If \(\mathrm{H}\) 's session is scheduled as the next session after U's session, which one of the following could be true about H's session and U's session? (A) U's session is scheduled for Monday, and H's session is scheduled for Tuesday. (B) U's session is scheduled for Thursday, and H's session is scheduled for Friday. (C) They are both scheduled for Tuesday. (D) They are both scheduled for Thursday. (E) They are both scheduled for Friday.
Problem 5
Many environmentalists have urged environmental awareness on consumers, saying that if we accept moral responsibility for our effects on the environment, then products that directly or indirectly harm the environment ought to be avoided. Unfortunately it is usually impossible for consumers to assess the environmental impact of a product, and thus impossible for them to consciously restrict their purchases to environmentally benign products. Because of this impossibility there can be no moral duty to choose products in the way these environmentalists urge, since Which one of the following principles provides the most appropriate completion for the argument? (A) a moral duty to perform an action is never based solely on the effects the action will have on other people (B) a person cannot possibly have a moral duty to do what he or she is unable to do (C) moral considerations should not be the sole determinants of what products are made available to consumers (D) the morally right action is always the one whose effects produce the least total harm (E) where a moral duty exists, it supersedes any legal duty and any other kind of duty
Problem 6
Which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen an argument of the opponents of rDNA technology? (A) Agricultural products developed through rDNA technology are no more attractive to consumers than are traditional crops. (B) Genetically altered microorganisms have no natural predators but can prey on a wide variety of other microorganisms. (C) Drugs produced using rDNA technology cost more to manufacture than drugs produced with traditional technologies. (D) Ecosystems are impermanent systems that are often liable to collapse, and occasionally do so. (E) Genetically altered microorganisms generally cannot survive for more than a few hours in the natural environment.
Problem 6
Advertisement: Anyone who exercises knows from firsthand experience that exercise leads to better performance of such physical organs as the heart and the lungs, as well as to improvement in muscle tone. And since your brain is a physical organ, your actions can improve its performance, too. Act now. Subscribe to Stimulus: read the magazine that exercises your brain. The advertisement employs which one of the following argumentative strategies? (A) It cites experimental evidence that subscribing to the product being advertised has desirable consequences. (B) It ridicules people who do not subscribe to Stimulus by suggesting that they do not believe that exercise will improve brain capacity. (C) It explains the process by which the product being advertised brings about the result claimed for its use. (D) It supports its recommendation by a careful analysis of the concept of exercise. (E) It implies that brains and muscle are similar in one respect because they are similar in another respect.
Problem 7
Which one of the following best expresses the main point of the passage? (A) Gray marketing is unfair to trademark owners and should be legally controlled. (B) Gray marketing is practiced in many different forms and places, and legislators should recognize the futility of trying to regulate it. (C) The mechanisms used to control gray marketing across markets are different from those most effective in controlling gray marketing within markets. (D) The three trademark law theories that have been applied in gray marketing cases lead to different case outcomes. (E) Current theories used to interpret trademark laws have resulted in increased gray marketing activity.
Problem 8
The director of a secondary school where many students were having severe academic problems impaneled a committee to study the matter. The committee reported that these students were having academic problems because they spent large amounts of time on school sports and too little time studying. The director then prohibited all students who were having academic problems from taking part in sports in which they were active. He stated that this would ensure that such students would do well academically. The reasoning on which the director bases his statement is not sound because he fails to establish that (A) some students who spend time on sports do not have academic problems (B) all students who do well academically do so because of time saved by not participating in sports (C) at least some of the time the students will save by not participating in sports will be spent on solving their academic problems (D) no students who do well academically spend time on sports (E) the quality of the school's sports program would not suffer as a result of the ban
Problem 9
Which one of the following does the author offer as an argument against gray marketing? (A) Manufacturers find it difficult to monitor the effectiveness of promotional efforts made on behalf of products that are gray marketed. (B) Gray marketing can discourage product promotion by authorized distributors. (C) Gray marketing forces manufacturers to accept the low profit margins that result from quantity discounting. (D) Gray marketing discourages competition among unauthorized dealers. (E) Quality standards in the manufacture of products likely to be gray marketed may decline.
Problem 9
It can safely be concluded that there are at least as many trees in Seclee as there are in Martown. From which one of the following does the conclusion logically follow? (A) More trees were planted in Seclee in the past two years than in Martown. (B) Seclee is the region within which Martown is located. (C) Martown is suffering from an epidemic of tree-virus infection. (D) The average annual rainfall for Seclee is greater than the average annual rainfall for Martown. (E) The average number of trees cut down annually in Martown is higher than in Seclee.
Problem 9
The commercial news media emphasize exceptional events such as airplane crashes at the expense of those such as automobile accidents, which occur far more frequently and represent a far greater risk to the public. Yet the public tends to interpret the degree of emphasis the news media give to these occurrences as indicating the degree of risk they represent. If the statements above are true, which one of the following conclusions is most strongly supported by them? (A) Print media, such as newspapers and magazines, are a better source of information than are broadcast media. (B) The emphasis given in the commercial news media to major catastrophes is dictated by the public's taste for the extraordinary. (C) Events over which people feel they have no control are generally perceived as more dangerous than those which people feel they can avert or avoid. (D) Where commercial news media constitute the dominant source of information, public perception of risk does not reflect actual risk. (E) A massive outbreak of cholera will be covered more extensively by the news media than will the occurrence of a rarer but less serious disease.
Problem 10
A large group of hyperactive children whose regular diets included food containing large amounts of additives was observed by researchers trained to assess the presence or absence of behavior problems. The children were then placed on a low-additive diet for several weeks, after which they were observed again. Originally nearly 60 percent of the children exhibited behavior problems; after the change in diet, only 30 percent did so. On the basis of these data, it can be concluded that food additives can contribute to behavior problems in hyperactive children. The evidence cited fails to establish the conclusion because (A) there is no evidence that the reduction in behavior problems was proportionate to the reduction in food-additive intake (B) there is no way to know what changes would have occurred without the change of diet, since only children who changed to a low-additive diet were studied (C) exactly how many children exhibited behavior problems after the change in diet cannot be determined, since the size of the group studied is not precisely given (D) there is no evidence that the behavior of some of the children was unaffected by additives (E) the evidence is consistent with the claim that some children exhibit more frequent behavior problems after being on the low-additive diet than they had exhibited when first observed