SQL syntax refers to the set of rules that define what constitutes a valid SQL statement used to interact with a database. SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language, is used to perform various operations such as querying data, updating records, and modifying database schemas.
When crafting SQL statements, it's essential to follow precise syntax rules. Keywords like **INSERT INTO**, **VALUES**, **SELECT**, **WHERE**, etc., must be used correctly to ensure the statements are understood by the database engine.
Take the INSERT statement in the original exercise from above, where we're inserting data into the coffee table:
- **INSERT INTO** indicates the action to add new data.
- **coffee (Description, ProdNum, Price)** specifies which table and columns are being targeted.
- **VALUES ('Eastern Blend', '30-001', 18.95)** provides the data to be inserted, aligned positionally with the specified columns.
This adherence to SQL syntax rules ensures the database processes and executes operations correctly.