Chapter 7: Problem 6
The speeding ticket fine policy in Podunksville is \(\$ 50\) plus \(\$ 5\) for each mph over the limit plus a penalty of \(\$ 200\) for any speed over 90 mph. Write a program that accepts a speed limit and a clocked speed and either prints a message indicating the speed was legal or prints the amount of the fine, if the speed is illegal.
Short Answer
Step by step solution
Understand the Fine Policy
Identify Input and Output
Develop the Logic for Speed Check
Calculate the Standard Fine
Check for High Speed Penalty
Implement the Code
Test the Program
Key Concepts
These are the key concepts you need to understand to accurately answer the question.
Conditional Statements in Python
Python also supports `else` and `elif` for additional conditions. In our program, the `else` branch is used to handle cases when the speed exceeds the limit. This is where the fine is calculated. The `if` statement can be combined with logical operators like `and` and `or` to form complex conditions. Itβs a fundamental concept that makes programs smarter and more responsive to different inputs.
Input and Output Operations
It's important to note that the values returned by `input()` are always strings. To perform arithmetic operations, we need to explicitly convert these inputs to integers using the `int()` function. For output, we use the `print()` function, which allows us to display messages or results to the user. In our example, we might print "The speed was legal" or "The fine is $X" based on the conditions evaluated. Input and output are simple but powerful tools that enable communication between a program and its users.
Basic Arithmetic Operations in Python
Here's how it works: we first find out how many miles per hour (mph) the vehicle is over the speed limit by subtracting `speed_limit` from `clocked_speed`. We then multiply this result by 5 to get the additional fine amount. After that, we add a constant base fine of $50. If the `clocked_speed` is over 90 mph, an additional $200 penalty is added to the total fine. These calculations demonstrate how Python's arithmetic operators integrate with conditional logic to build a program that accomplishes the desired outcome.