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This exercise is another variation on "instrumenting" the recursive Fibonacci program to better understand its behavior. Write a program that counts how many times the fib function is called to compute fib(n) where \(n\) is a user input. Hint: To solve this problem, you need an accumulator variable whose value "persists" between calls to fib. You can do this by making the count an instance variable of an object. Create a FibCounter class with the following methods: init_(self) Creates a new FibCounter, setting its count instance variable to 0 getCount (self) Returns the value of count. fib (self,n) Recursive function to compute the \(n\) th Fibonacci number. It increments the count each time it is called. resetCount(self) Sets the count back to 0.

Short Answer

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Create a `FibCounter` class with `fib`, `getCount`, and `resetCount` methods to track Fibonacci function calls.

Step by step solution


Creating the FibCounter Class

First, define a class named `FibCounter` by using the `class` keyword. This class will be responsible for maintaining a count of how many times the Fibonacci function is called.

Initializing the FibCounter Object

Implement the `__init__` method within the `FibCounter` class. This initializer should set an instance variable `count` to 0. This variable will track the number of times `fib` is called.

Implementing the Count Getter Method

Define a method `getCount` in the `FibCounter` class. This method should return the current value of `count`, indicating how many times the Fibonacci function has been called.

Implementing the Fibonacci Function

Create a method `fib` that takes an integer `n` as its parameter. This method should be a recursive function that computes the Fibonacci number at position `n`. Every time this function is called, increment the `count` variable by 1.

Implementing the Count Reset Method

Add a method `resetCount` in the `FibCounter` class that sets the `count` variable back to 0. This allows the counter to be reset when needed.

Using the FibCounter

After implementing the `FibCounter` class and its methods, create an instance of this class in the main program. Use it to call the `fib` method with user input `n`, and then use `getCount` to print how many times the `fib` function was called.

Key Concepts

These are the key concepts you need to understand to accurately answer the question.

Understanding Class Methods
Class methods are essential components of any class in object-oriented programming. They define behaviors or actions that the class can perform. These methods are defined within a class and are typically called on instances of that class.
In the "FibCounter" exercise, several class methods are implemented. These include:
  • __init__: This is a special method known as a constructor. It initializes new objects and sets up instance variables like count.
  • getCount: This method fetches and returns the current value of the count. It essentially provides the number of times the fib method has been invoked.
  • fib: A recursive function that calculates the Fibonacci number for a given position. As it recurses, it updates the count.
  • resetCount: Resets the count to zero, allowing new calculations to start fresh without previous accumulations.
Each of these methods serves a specific purpose, making them integral to the functionality of the FibCounter class.
Role of Instance Variables
Instance variables are unique to each object created from a class. They store information about the specific instance and are defined within the __init__ method.
In the FibCounter class, the count instance variable plays a crucial role. It keeps track of how many times the fib function has been called. As a persistent variable, it allows the program to retain the call count across recursive function calls.
Without such an instance variable, tracking how often fib is called would be challenging. Every time we make a new instance of FibCounter, the count can start fresh and maintain its own call history for as long as needed.
Understanding the Accumulator Variable
An accumulator variable is a programming construct used to maintain a cumulative total or count. In our Fibonacci example, the count serves as an accumulator.
In this context, the accumulator variable count is incremented each time the fib function is called. Its accumulation signifies the total number of calls made to compute the Fibonacci number for a given n.
This technique is instrumental for tracking recursive calls. Without it, it would be cumbersome to determine the computational effort involved in calculating fib(n). Accumulators offer a straightforward means to gauge such recursive behavior.
Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a paradigm focused on objects containing both data and functions. This modular approach aids in managing complex software designs by allowing for encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
In the FibCounter exercise, OOP is utilized to create a class with specific attributes and methods. Here's how OOP principles are applied:
  • Encapsulation: The class groups related functions and variables into a single entity, limiting potential interference from external functions.
  • Reusability: Methods like fib, getCount, and resetCount can be used repeatedly across different contexts, providing flexibility.
  • Abstraction: The complexity of recursion within the fib method is hidden behind a simple interface, allowing users to leverage the class without understanding its internal details.
By employing OOP, the program design becomes more intuitive and scalable, making it easier to manage and extend. The FibCounter class demonstrates how powerful OOP can be in tackling recursive programming challenges.

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