Return types in C++ specify what kind of value a function will return to its caller. When defining a function, its return type is declared at the very beginning of the function signature.
In this exercise, the return type is `bool`, meaning the function `even` must return a boolean value—either `true` or `false`.
Understanding return types is crucial because it greatly influences how the function is used and integrated with other parts of a program. They ensure that the function provides the correct type of data that the rest of the program can use.
To illustrate further:
- If a function is supposed to perform a calculation and give back a number, you'd use `int` or `double` as its return type.
- For a function like `even`, where the main task is to verify a condition, a `bool` is ideal.
- If no data needs to be returned, a function might use `void` as its return type, indicating it performs its task without providing feedback to the caller.
Return types help maintain type safety in programs and prevent errors that might arise from unexpected data being passed around.