Consider the clause H, . If a clause H is produced by the application of the resolution rule under the valuation of Q, then from the hypothesis of the rule , is false.
Assume that H is false under Q to prove the above lemma. The conjunction hypothesis gives the true value under Q. gives the disjunction behaviour, then one of its literals will be true under Q.
The literals in H, other than L exists and the H shows true and it is a contradiction. If literal L is taken and thenis false under Q.
Under Q, is true and it consist of literals other than . This proves that it exists in H and shows true nature in Q. This is in contradiction.
Thus, is false under Q. By induction, it has been shown that a satisfiable formula can never be declared as unsatisfiable.
Therefore, it has been shown that the resolutionis sound.
By using induction, prove the complete property of the resolution as follows:
Consider that the excess number of literals has been defined as follows,
In every clause, the number of excess literals in a clause set is the sum of excess literals as follows,
Therefore, by applying induction, the resolutionis complete.