Chapter 1: Q1E (page 88)
Question: The following are the state diagrams of two DFAs , M1 and M2 . Answer the following questions about each of these machines.
a. What is the start state ?
b. What is the set of accept states ?
c. What sequence of states does the machine go through on input aabb ?
d. Does the machine accept the string aabb ?
e. Does the machine accept the string ?
Short Answer
Answer :
(a) is the initial state of machines M1 and M2 .
(b)computer M , the approved state is q2 , while in computer M2 , the acceptable states include q1 & q4
(c)It travels around , and in computer M1 . Computer M2 runs through into the steps , and .
(d)When Machine M2 gets to the final condition, it approves the sequence aabb , so it accepts the string. However, machine M1 will not accept the string because it is not in the final state.
(e)Machine M2 accepts the null string because it can transition from either the beginning to the receptive state without needing to read additional alphabet symbols