Rhodopsin is the pigment in the retina rod cells responsible for vision, and
it consists of a protein and the co-factor retinal. Retinal is a \(\pi\)
-conjugated molecule which absorbs light in the blue-green region of the
visible spectrum, where photon absorption represents the first step in the
visual process. Absorption of a photon results in retinal undergoing a
transition from the ground-or lowest-energy state of the molecule to the first
electronic excited state.
Therefore, the wavelength of light absorbed by rhodopsin provides a measure of
the ground and excited-state
energy gap.
a. The absorption spectrum of rhodopsin is centered at roughly 500 . nm. What
is the difference in energy between the ground and excited state?
b. At a physiological temperature of \(37^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\), what is the
probability of rhodopsin populating the first excited state? How susceptible
do you think rhodopsin is to thermal population of the excited state?