For the \(\pi\) network of \(\beta\) carotene modeled using the particle in the
box, the position-dependent probability density of finding 1 of the 22
electrons is given by
P_{n}(x)=\left|\psi_{n}(x)\right|^{2}=\frac{2}{a} \sin ^{2}\left(\frac{n \pi
The quantum number \(n\) in this equation is determined by the energy level of
the electron under consideration. As we saw in Chapter \(15,\) this function is
strongly position dependent. The question addressed in this problem is as
follows: Would you also expect the total probability density defined by
\(P_{\text {total}}(x)=\sum_{n}\left|\psi_{n}(x)\right|^{2}\) to be strongly
position dependent? The sum is over all the electrons in the \(\pi\) -nework.
a. Calculate the total probability density \(P_{\text {total}}(x)=\)
\(\sum_{n}\left|\psi_{n}(x)\right|^{2}\) using the box length \(a=0.29
\mathrm{nm},\) and plot your results as a function of \(x\). Does
\(\mathrm{P}_{\text {total }}(x)\) have the same value near the ends and at the
middle of the molecule?
b. Determine \(\Delta P_{\text {total}}(x) /\left\langle P_{\text
{total}}(x)\right\rangle,\) where \(\Delta P_{\text {total}}(x)\) is the
peak-to-peak amplitude of \(P_{\text {total}}(x)\) in the interval between
0.12 \text { and } 0.16 \mathrm{nm}
c. Compare the result of part (b) with what you would obtain for an electron
in the highest occupied energy level.
d. What value would you expect for \(P_{\text {total}}(x)\) if the electrons
were uniformly distributed over the molecule? How does this value compare with
your result from part (a)?