In a general manner, either HOMO of alkene and LUMO of dienophile or HOMO of dienophile and LUMO of alkene combination carry out the reaction.
For a faster reaction, energy of HOMO should be higher and LUMO should be lower. So, an electron donating group on HOMO and electron withdrawing group on LUMO can increase the reaction rate.
If energetically diene is HOMO and dienophile or alkene is LUMO, electron withdrawing group (EWG) on alkene and electron donating group (EDG) on diene can increase the reaction and the position of the group on diene and dienophile can predict the product.
When the EDG is in C-1 position of diene:
In this condition, ortho product will be formed

When the EDG is in C-2 position of diene:
In this condition, para product will be formed.

In case of alkene, EWG increases the reaction rate by decreasing the energy of LUMO and the attack will be on that carbon where EWG is attached. The above two reactions has EWG in alkene in EDG in diene.