Problem 2
Explain why, for a given alkali metal, the second ionization energy is very much higher than the first.
Problem 3
Describe the solid state structures of (a) the alkali metals and (b) the alkali metal chlorides, and comment on trends down the group.
Problem 4
Discuss trends in (a) melting points, and (b) ionic radii, \(r_{+},\) for the metals on descending group 1
Problem 8
Suggest what will happen when a mixture of LiI and \(\mathrm{NaF}\) is heated.
Problem 10
Suggest why KF is a better reagent than NaF for replacement of chlorine in organic compounds by fluorine by the autoclave reaction:
Problem 13
Construct approximate MO diagrams for \(\left[\mathrm{O}_{2}\right]^{-}\) and \(\left[\mathrm{O}_{2}\right]^{2-}\) and confirm that \(\left[\mathrm{O}_{2}\right]^{-}\) is paramagnetic, while \(\left[\mathrm{O}_{2}\right]^{2-}\) is diamagnetic.
Problem 15
Write down the formulae of the following ions: (a) superoxide; (b) peroxide; (c) ozonide; (d) azide; (e) nitride; (f) sodide.
Problem 17
Alkali metal cyanides, MCN, are described as pseudohalides. (a) Draw the structure of the cyanide ion, and give a description of its bonding. (b) Interpret the structure of \(\mathrm{NaCN}\) if it possesses an \(\mathrm{NaCl}\) -type structure.
Problem 18
Give an account of what happens when Na dissolves in liquid \(\mathrm{NH}_{3}\)
Problem 19
Write balanced equations for the following reactions: (a) sodium hydride with water; (b) potassium hydroxide with acetic acid; (c) thermal decomposition of sodium azide; (d) potassium peroxide with water; (e) sodium fluoride with boron trifluoride; (f) electrolysis of molten KBr; (g) electrolysis of aqueous \(\mathrm{NaCl}\)