Calculate the amount of carbon dioxide (in kilograms) emitted when four
alternative fuels are burned to provide the same amount of energy as \(10.0\)
gallons of gasoline. Compare the carbon dioxide emissions from alternative
fuels to gasoline (Worked Example 3.12).
(a) Ethanol \(\left(\mathrm{C}_{2} \mathrm{H}_{5} \mathrm{OH}\right)\) Although
\(\mathrm{E} 85\) is a blend of ethanol and gasoline, let's use pure ethanol in
our calculation for simplification. A gallon of ethanol contains \(68 \%\) of
the energy of a gallon of gas, so \(14.7\) gallons of ethanol provides the same
amount of energy as \(10.0\) gallons of gasoline. The density of ethanol is
\(0.79\) \(\mathrm{kg} / \mathrm{L}\) and \(1 \mathrm{~L}=0.2642\) gal.
(b) Liquefied Petroleum Gas/Propane \(\left(\mathrm{C}_{3}
\mathrm{H}_{8}\right) \quad\) A gallon of propane contains \(73 \%\) of the
energy of a gallon of gas, so \(13.7\) gallons of propane provides the same
amount of energy as \(10.0\) gallons of gasoline. The density of liquefied
propane is \(0.49 \mathrm{~kg} / \mathrm{L}\) and \(1 \mathrm{~L}=0.2642\) gal.
(c) Compressed Natural Gas \(\left(\mathrm{CH}_{4}\right) \quad\) It takes \(25.7
\mathrm{~kg}\) of natural gas, methane \(\left(\mathrm{CH}_{4}\right)\), to
provide the same amount of energy as \(10.0\) gallons of gasoline.
(d) Electricity from a Coal-Burning Power Plant An electric power plant using
bituminous coal produces \(0.94 \mathrm{~kg} \mathrm{CO}_{2} / \mathrm{kWh}\),
and an electric vehicle uses \(35 \mathrm{kWh}\) per 100 miles. (A kilowatthour,
symbolized \(\mathrm{kWh}\), is a common unit of electrical energy equivalent to
\(3.6\) megajoules.)
(e) Electricity from a Natural Gas-Burning Power Plant An electric power plant
using natural gas produces \(0.55 \mathrm{~kg} \mathrm{CO}_{2} / \mathrm{kWh}\)
and an electric vehicle uses \(35 \mathrm{kWh}\) per 100 miles.
(f) Which fuel produces the least amount of \(\mathrm{CO}_{2}\) when burned to
provide energy for a car: gasoline, ethanol, propane, CNG, electricity from
coal, or electricity from natural gas?