Chapter 1: Problem 15
Classify each of the following as an element, a compound, a homogeneous mixture, or a heterogeneous mixture: (a) seawater, (b) helium gas, (c) sodium chloride (salt), (d) a bottle of soft drink, (e) a milkshake, (f) air in a bottle, \((\mathrm{g})\) concrete.
Short Answer
Step by step solution
Understanding Elements
Understanding Compounds
Understanding Homogeneous Mixtures
Understanding Heterogeneous Mixtures
Classifying Seawater
Classifying Helium Gas
Classifying Sodium Chloride
Classifying a Bottle of Soft Drink
Classifying a Milkshake
Classifying Air in a Bottle
Classifying Concrete
Key Concepts
These are the key concepts you need to understand to accurately answer the question.