Problem 1
Stages of processing. What are the three stages of triacylglycerol utilization?
Problem 4
In its entirety. Write the complete reaction for fatty acid activation.
Problem 5
Activation fee. The reaction for the activation of fatty acids before degradation is (EQUATION CAN'T COPY) This reaction is quite favorable because the equivalent of two molecules of ATP is hydrolyzed. Explain why, from a biochemical bookkeeping point of view, the equivalent of two molecules of ATP is used despite the fact that the left side of the equation has only one molecule of ATP.
Problem 7
Like Simon and Garfunkel. Match each term with its description. (a) Triacylglycerol_________ (b) Perilipin_________ (c) Adipose triglyceride lipase_________ (d) Glucagon_________ (e) Acyl CoA synthetase_________ (f) Carnitine_________ (g) \(\beta\) -Oxidation pathway_________ (h) Enoyl CoA isomerase_________ (i) 2,4 -Dienoyl \(\operatorname{CoA}\) reductase_________ (j) Methylmalonyl CoA mutase_________ (k) Ketone body_________ 1\. The enzyme that initiates lipid degradation 2\. Activates fatty acids for degradation 3\. Converts a cis- \(\Delta^{3}\) double bond into a trans- \(\Delta^{2}\) double bond 4\. Reduces \(2,4-\) dienoyl intermediate to trans- \(\Delta^{3}\) -enoyl CoA 5\. Storage form of fats 6\. Required for entry into mitochondria 7\. Requires vitamin \(\mathrm{B}_{12}\) 8\. Acetoacetate 9\. Means by which fatty acids are degraded 10\. Stimulates lipolysis 11\. Lipid-droplet-associated protein
Problem 8
Proper sequence. Place the following list of reactions or relevant locations in the \(\beta\) oxidation of fatty acids in the proper order. (a) Reaction with carnitine (b) Fatty acid in the cytoplasm (c) Activation of fatty acid by joining to CoA (d) Hydration (e) NAD \(^{+}\) -linked oxidation (f) Thiolysis (g) Acyl CoA in mitochondrion (h) FAD-linked oxidation
Problem 9
Too tired to exercise. Explain why people with a hereditary deficiency of carnitine acyltransferase II have muscle weakness. Why are the symptoms more severe during fasting?
Problem 10
A phantom acetyl CoA? In the equation for fatty acid degradation shown here, only seven molecules of CoA are required to yield eight molecules of acetyl CoA. How is this difference possible? $$\begin{aligned} \text { Palmitoyl } \operatorname{Co} \mathrm{A}+& 7 \mathrm{FAD}+7 \mathrm{NAD}^{+} \\ &+7 \mathrm{CoA}+7 \mathrm{H}_{2} \mathrm{O} \longrightarrow \\ 8 \text { Acetyl } \mathrm{CoA}+& 7 \mathrm{FADH}_{2}+7 \mathrm{NADH}+7 \mathrm{H}^{+} \end{aligned}$$
Problem 11
Comparing yields. Compare the ATP yields from palmitic acid and palmitoleic acid.
Problem 12
Counting ATPs \(1 .\) What is the ATP yield for the complete oxidation of \(\mathrm{C}_{17}\) (heptadecanoic) fatty acid? Assume that the propionyl CoA ultimately yields oxaloacetate in the citric acid cycle.
Problem 15
The best storage form. Compare the ATP yield from the complete oxidation of glucose, a six-carbon carbohydrate, and hexanoic acid, a six-carbon fatty acid. Hexanoic acid is also called caproic acid and is responsible for the "aroma" of goats. Why are fats better fuels than carbohydrates?